Colonizing Plants That Can Combat Weed Pressure
Kit will include 6 of the following (5 flowers and 1 sedge or grass):
Flower species
Yarrow, Blue Hyssop, Common Milkweed, Fireweed, Wild Strawberry, Stiff Sunflower,
False Sunflower, Maximillian Sunflower, Bee Balm, Yellow Coneflower, Cup Plant, Canada
Goldenrod, Stiff Goldenrod
Grass species
Big Bluestem, Blue Joint, Switch Grass
Kit will include 6 of the following (5 flowers and 1 sedge or grass):
Flower species
Yarrow, Blue Hyssop, Common Milkweed, Fireweed, Wild Strawberry, Stiff Sunflower,
False Sunflower, Maximillian Sunflower, Bee Balm, Yellow Coneflower, Cup Plant, Canada
Goldenrod, Stiff Goldenrod
Grass species
Big Bluestem, Blue Joint, Switch Grass
Kit will include 6 of the following (5 flowers and 1 sedge or grass):
Flower species
Yarrow, Blue Hyssop, Common Milkweed, Fireweed, Wild Strawberry, Stiff Sunflower,
False Sunflower, Maximillian Sunflower, Bee Balm, Yellow Coneflower, Cup Plant, Canada
Goldenrod, Stiff Goldenrod
Grass species
Big Bluestem, Blue Joint, Switch Grass
SMALL KIT- 72 plants (12 six packs) are only $155. With “add on” $220.50
MEDIUM KIT - 120 plants (20 six packs) are only $246. With “add on” $354.50
LARGE KIT - 240 plants (40 six packs) are only $351. With “add on” $511.50
Complete any kit by including an “add on” of weed suppressant mat and staples scaled to the size of your kit!