Camp Milkweed

Camp Milkweed @ Shoreview Natives 

We are so excited to be able host Summer Camps in 2025!

Email with the subject line “Summer Camp” to apply for the sessions for your child/children. (Please include your mailing address. Priority will be given to children in the Knife River/Two Harbors area where outdoor summer camp opportunities are more limited.

All sessions operate Monday-Thursday, 8:30- 3:30 pm 

Age group: 6-12

$750/child, per 3 week session

Full capacity is 14 children with 2 teachers

(If you are interested in a summer camp for your child, but they are outside of the listed age range, please let us know.)

Camp Sessions: 

Seedling Seekers: June 9-26 - FULL

This fun summer camp session may include activities like planting native seedlings, finding and identifying plants in the forest and meadow, fort and fairy house building, creek exploration, aquatic invertebrate catching & identification, nature-inspired art, and more.

Pollinator Patrol: July 7-25 - 4 SEATS OPEN (as of 2/25)

This midsummer camp may include activities focused around pollinators and native habitat and may include a variety of nature and plant based art activities, and many pollinator themed activities and adventures. 

Nature’s Pallette: August 4-22 FULL

Our late summer camp is all about getting creative in the great outdoors! We will be focused on creative activity  and a variety of art making, including nature installation art! 

What to know: 

The deadline for applying for summer camps is Feb 14th (Or until sessions have filled).

We will begin to let families know what summer camps they were accepted to as soon as possible.

Deposits of $100/session will be due one week after acceptances are sent out.

Further instructions will be provided on how we will collect those deposits.

•A discount will be offered to families enrolling in all three sessions. 

If you are interested in multiple summer camps, please put them in order of your

priority when you send us the email listing the camps for which you are applying.

Meet the Teachers: 

Mabel Smebakken grew up in St. Paul and has lived in the Arrowhead Region since 2017. She has a BS in Earth Science from UMN’s College of Science and Engineering and a Grad Certificate in Outdoor Education from Antioch University through Wolf Ridge’s program in Finland, MN. Prior to Wolf Ridge she was a cabin building instructor and worked in forest management at the Steger Wilderness Center in Ely for three years. She harvested native plant species for a prairie restoration company in Esko from 2022 till 2024. Additionally, she has subbed in the Twin Cities Public School Districts for kids with learning differences. Mabel is looking forward to sharing her love for the outdoors with kids who join Camp Milkweed!

Jen Dietrich has lived in the Duluth area most of her adult life. She has taught art for over 30 years, ranging from The University of Alaska Summer Fine Arts Camp (6-12 th ) to studio, art history and art education undergraduate/graduate programs at the university level. She retired from UMD Art Department in 2016 to pursue her studio practice. Jen is looking forward to sharing her love of Art with kids who join Camp Milkweed @Shoreview Natives.

Camps will take place at Shoreview Natives’ retail location- 1240 Shoreview Rd, Two Harbors, MN. 

The property includes 10 acres of outdoor space including a meadow, a small creek and wooded play spaces.