Lawns 2 Legumes kits and supplies
Designed with you in mind, our kits feature a curated selection of plants that will attract a variety of pollinators and caterpillars that rely on native plants for their food source. Instantly create a thriving habitat for insects and critters while enjoying the beauty of nature. These are the top-notch pollinator plants from Shoreview Natives, guaranteed to elevate your garden to new heights!
Got a bigger planting area or multiple spots to fill with pollinator gardens? No problem! Simply pick as many kits as you need to cover your space, and we'll ensure a diverse mix of species in each order. Let's make your garden the ultimate haven for pollinators together!
SMALL KIT- 72 plants (12 six packs) are only $150. *With “add on” $215.50
MEDIUM KIT - 120 plants (20 six packs) are only $246. *With “add on” $354.50
LARGE KIT - 240 plants (40 six packs) are only $351. *With “add on” $511.50
*Complete any kit by including an “add on” of weed suppressant mat and staples scaled to the size of your kit!
Attention all Lawns to Legumes grant recipients and native plant enthusiasts! Say goodbye to the hassle of selecting the perfect species for your garden with our exclusive kit. Our do-it-yourself approach makes transforming your space into a pollinator paradise easier than ever.
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS if you’re ordering from a mobile device or using Apple Pay.
Once you’re at the checkout page enter your email address.
THEN you will need to select your pickup location/date under the delivery tab.
Email the greenhouse if you have questions or concerns.
Even though these kits are designed for the Lawns to Legumes program, ANYONE can utilize our L2L kits to take the guesswork out of your project. Let us help you with the process!
4 great kits options
Short and Well Behaved:
Prairie Onion, Thimbleweed, Butterfly Weed, Harebell, Lance-leaf Coreopsis, Pale Corydalis,
Pale Purple Coneflower, Prairie Smoke, Prairie Alumroot, Rough or Meadow Blazing Star,
Gray Goldenrod, Upland White Goldenrod, Smooth Blue Aster, Poverty Oat Grass, June
Grass, Little bluestem -
Pollinator Powerhouse
Yarrow, Blue or Purple Giant Hyssop, Pearly Everlasting, Swamp Milkweed, Common
Milkweed, Lance-leaf Coreopsis, Grass-leaved Goldenrod, Joe Pye Weed, False Sunflower,
Rough or Meadow Blazing Star, Bee Balm, Mountain Mint, at least one goldenrod species
(Hairy, Early, Gray, Stiff or Showy), at least one aster species (Lindley’s, Heath, Smooth
blue, New England or Short’s), Blue or Hoary Vervain, Ironweed, Big Bluestem, Little
Bluestem, Indian Grass, Slender Wheat Grass, Canada Wild Rye -
Partial Shade Garden Combinations
Blue Giant Hyssop, Purple Giant Hyssop, Pearly Everlasting, Thimbleweed, Pussytoes,
Columbine, Flat Top Aster, Large-Leaved Aster, Purple Avens, False Sunflower, Prairie Alum
Root, Zig Zag or Hairy Goldenrod, Mountain Mint, Lindley’s Aster, Calico Aster, Fringed
Brome, Bottlebrush Grass, Canada Wild Rye -
Colonizing Plants That Can Combat Weed Pressure
Description goYarrow, Blue Hyssop, Common Milkweed, Fireweed, Wild Strawberry, Stiff Sunflower,
False Sunflower, Maximillian Sunflower, Bee Balm, Yellow Coneflower, Cup Plant, Canada
Goldenrod, Stiff Goldenrod, Big Bluestem, Blue Joint, Switch
Research the basics for project success.
Click the links below to access some of our favorite information from Blue Thumb.
Planting for Pollinators: Principles and Design for Residential Pollinator Habitat