Prairie Smoke
(Geum triflorum)
Prairie Smoke is a spring blooming plant that thrives in full sun and average to dry soil. It is well suited for the boarder of your native pollinator garden or meadow. After flowering, it’s showy display of wispy seed heads will continue to add interest to your garden into the summer.
(Geum triflorum)
Prairie Smoke is a spring blooming plant that thrives in full sun and average to dry soil. It is well suited for the boarder of your native pollinator garden or meadow. After flowering, it’s showy display of wispy seed heads will continue to add interest to your garden into the summer.
(Geum triflorum)
Prairie Smoke is a spring blooming plant that thrives in full sun and average to dry soil. It is well suited for the boarder of your native pollinator garden or meadow. After flowering, it’s showy display of wispy seed heads will continue to add interest to your garden into the summer.
This short (6-12”), clumping plant has small daisy like flowers of white and yellow.
Long blooming, deer resistant
Also known as Prairie Goldenrod, Sneezewort Aster, Upland White Aster