False Sunflower
(Heliopsis helianthoides)
A showy clump of stiff branched flowers. Bloom can be extended by removing past flowers. Spreads easily and is not fussy about soil type. Can handle light shade, but may need to be staked if not in full sun.
(Heliopsis helianthoides)
A showy clump of stiff branched flowers. Bloom can be extended by removing past flowers. Spreads easily and is not fussy about soil type. Can handle light shade, but may need to be staked if not in full sun.
(Heliopsis helianthoides)
A showy clump of stiff branched flowers. Bloom can be extended by removing past flowers. Spreads easily and is not fussy about soil type. Can handle light shade, but may need to be staked if not in full sun.